Rental Assistance Projects

Coordinated Entry

Coordinated Entry (CE) is a system-wide approach that serves to assess all persons experiencing a housing crisis to help identify, prioritize, and connect them with the appropriate housing and support service resources as quickly as possible. Nashville’s Coordinated Entry system is operated by the Metro Homeless Impact Division.

CE organizes all service providers and agencies into a fully integrated housing crisis resolution system with community-wide standards, communication, and decision-making. Through Coordinated Entry, people experiencing homelessness have access to a variety of housing and service options across Nashville.

Rental Assistance Projects

Applicants supported by the Collective will have access to a variety of rental assistance programs, including: a non-voucher Rapid Rehousing 12 month program, Section 8 vouchers, VASH vouchers, and Shelter Plus Care vouchers. Other individuals or families may have independent income but are blocked from renting due to other non-income related barriers.

Rapid Re-Housing (RRH)

Individuals receive a certain number of months of rental assistance that eventually tapers off over time. The goal of Rapid Re-Housing programs is to quickly end someone’s homelessness and assist them in obtaining employment or whatever other stability goals they may have in order to take on the full responsibility of the lease. RRH rental assistance is time limited, though participants can later receive a voucher if necessary.

Rental Assistance Vouchers

Individual pays 30% of their income (or $50 if they have none) towards rent each month and the Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency (MDHA) pays the rest. Units must be inspected by MDHA before someone can move in. The individual must report any changes in income to MDHA to have their rent adjusted. Vouchers are not time limited and may be used as long as the individual meets the eligibility criteria.

Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8) - Each month, MDHA dedicates a certain number of Section 8 vouchers to individuals experiencing homelessness. Section 8 vouchers are also used by the general public.

Shelter Plus Care - Available to individuals experiencing homelessness and distributed by the Metropolitan Homeless Impact Division (MHID). Post-housing case management is a requirement of this voucher.

Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) - Available to veterans only, includes case management services.

Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV) - Vouchers made available to people experiencing homelessness through the American Rescue Plan, operates identically to the Section 8 program with the same property requirements.

Learn more about these national subsidies from The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.